Creating Weathered or Distressed Lettering

From time to time I get projects that need to look aged. It might be an aged sign or pinstriping or lettering to match the patina of a rat rod.

To age stripes/lettering, I usually do one color at a time. I would stripe a color, around the car/truck, when I got back around to where I started, I will sprinkle baby powder all over the wet stripes. This will flatten the sheen and speeds up the drying time, in a few minutes the 1 Shot is not sticky. I normally give it about 10 – 20 minutes to dry up a bit, you can go longer to maybe an hour or two. Then I will take a paper towel or blue shop towel and dampen it with isopropyl rubbing alcohol. You want to just dampen the rag to a little on the  dry side, if you soak it you could take the stripes off completely.

Then gently rub off the areas the might see the most wear. The stripes will slowly fade.

You can also add a little baby powder to your paint to flatten the sheen.  Below are some examples, they were all painted with 1 Shot Lettering Enamel.

Good luck, have fun!

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